Right Connections UK Ltd


Professional installation

Image 33
FULL integration
into the vehicle network
Group 197
Safe. 100%
success rate
Complete wiring kit
solution in one box

New Products

Right connections is now able to offer all our customers the opportunity to purchase a range of brilliant…


Our wiring kits come in various designs and sizes. Each one is specifically designed and developed to suit the…

12S Supplementary Kits

All our 12s kits include all the items to ensure the caravan is sufficiently powered and the vehicle is…


7 pin 12N Socket / Plug, 7 pin 12S Socket / Plug, 13 pin ISO Socket / Plug, 13 pin Adaptors…


Right Connections have available a comprehensive range of socket adaptors. Our multi plug/socket…


To compliment our extensive wiring kit catalogue, we have introduced our UNIQUE multi-purpose trailer electrics tester. Our tester is designed to a high specification and is also VOSA APPROVED for use with MOT testing.

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All our instruction manuals are laid out in pictogram form and give a complete step by step installation guide.

There are many trailer testers on the market but none as simple and as efficient as the compact and portable…

Since 2008, the growth of 13 pin systems has escalated and has now become a more or less standard option…

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