7 pin 12N Socket / Plug
Socket comes either pre-wired or screw terminal types, with or without mechanical fog cut-off and/or microswitch. (NOTE: Microswitch is used to deactivate rear parking sensors when towing)
7 pin 12S Socket / Plug
This Socket comes only in screw terminal format.
13 pin ISO Socket / Plug
This is the standard 13 pin system used throughout Europe. It provides for a solid splash proof connection and is compatible for trailers/Caravans purchased abroad.
Sockets comes pre-wired or screw terminals, with or without mechanical or electrical (micro switch) fog cut-off and Parking sensor cut-off
13 pin Adaptors
We also provide ‘adaptor kits’ for interchanges between 13 pin and 7 pin connections. These are for all combinations from short adaptors to twin wired.